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mutable_universe.cpp Logo     CTTL on    

The following program implements one-pass algorithm to replace every occurence of a digit with its word equivalent:

// sample code: mutable_universe.cpp
// demonstrates cttl concept of mutable universe

//#define NDEBUG    // must appear before assert.h is included to stop assertions from being compiled 

#include <iostream>
#include "cttl/cttl.h"

using namespace cttl;

struct digit_parser {

    static size_t rule_digit( edge<>& edge_ )
        return (
                first( isdigit )
                rule( digit_parser::event_digit )
        ).match( edge_ );

    static size_t event_digit( edge<>& edge_ )
        // a single digit is found
        static const char* digits[] = {
            "zero;", "one;", "two;", "three;", "four;",
            "five;", "six;", "seven;", "eight;", "nine;"

        size_t digit = edge_.first[ 0 ] - '0';
        assert( digit < ( sizeof( digits ) / sizeof( char ) ) );
        edge_.text( digits[ digit ] );
        return edge_.second.offset();

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if ( argc == 1 ) {
            << "Usage: on the command line, enter a "
            << std::endl
            << "number to convert its digits to words,"
            << std::endl
            << "for example:"
            << std::endl
            << '\t'
            << argv[ 0 ]
            << " 123"
            << std::endl
        return 1;

    input<> inp( argv[ 1 ] );
    edge<> universe( new_edge< std::string >( inp ) );
    if ( digit_parser::rule_digit( universe ) == std::string::npos ) {
            << "*** error *** no digits found at the beginning of the input"
            << std::endl
        return 1;

        << inp.text()
        << std::endl
    return 0;
If argument "54321" is specified on the command line, the program prints the word equivalent of every digit:

Similar program, number2words.cpp, converts integer numbers into their word equivalents.

Copyright © 1997-2006 Igor Kholodov

Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Generated on Thu Nov 2 17:44:54 2006 for Common Text Transformation Library by  doxygen