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number2words.cpp Logo     CTTL on    

Another example that demonstrates mutability of the parseable universe. Program replaces numbers with their fancy names, such as "quadrillion".

// sample code: number2words.cpp
// demonstrates mutability of the universe being parsed

//#define NDEBUG    // define before assert.h to stop assertions from being compiled 
#include <iostream>

#include "cttl/cttl.h"

using namespace cttl;

struct numeric_parser {
    static size_t find_number( edge<>& edge_ )
        return (
            entity( isdigit )
            rule( numeric_parser::event_number )

        ).find( edge_ );

    static size_t event_number( edge<>& edge_ ) //const
        static const char* numbers[] = {
            "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
            "ten", "eleven", "twelve",
            "thir", "four", "fif", "six", "seven", "eigh", "nine"

        // for details see
        static const char* big_numbers[] = {
            "hundred", // has 2 zeros
            "thousand", // has 3 zeros
            "million", // has 6 zeros
            "billion", // has 9 zeros
            "trillion", // has 12 zeros
            "quadrillion", // has 15 zeros
            "quintillion", // has 18 zeros
            "sextillion", // has 21 zeros
            "septillion", // has 24 zeros
            "octillion", // has 27 zeros
            "nonillion", // has 30 zeros
            "decillion", // has 33 zeros
            "undecillion", // has 36 zeros
            "duodecillion", // has 39 zeros
            "tredecillion", // has 42 zeros
            "quattuordecillion", // has 45 zeros
            "quindecillion", // has 48 zeros
            "sexdecillion", // has 51 zeros
            "septendecillion", // has 54 zeros
            "octodecillion", // has 57 zeros
            "novemdecillion", // has 60 zeros
            "vigintillion", // has 63 zeros
            "\"gazillion\" "

        int number_length = edge_.length();
        if ( number_length == 1 ) { // single digit
            edge_.text( numbers[ edge_.first[ 0 ] - '0' ] );
            return edge_.first.offset();

        for ( int pos = 0; pos < number_length; pos += 3 ) {
            // for every triplet of numbers:

            size_t gazillion = 0;
            if ( pos && !( pos % 3 ) ) {
                // add a "gazillion" suffix
                gazillion = pos / 3;
                if ( gazillion >= sizeof( big_numbers ) / sizeof( char* ) )
                    gazillion = sizeof( big_numbers ) / sizeof( char* ) - 1;

            if ( pos + 1 == number_length ) {   // single digit left
                if ( edge_.second[ -pos - 1 ] > '0' ) {
                    if ( gazillion ) {
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ gazillion ] );
                        gazillion = 0;

                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( numbers[ edge_.second[ -pos - 1 ] - '0' ] );

            // process pair of digits 00-99
            if ( edge_.second[ -pos - 2 ] == '1' ) {
                if ( gazillion ) {
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ gazillion ] );
                    gazillion = 0;
                // teen and pre-teen number: process both digits
                edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                if ( edge_.second[ -pos - 1 ] > '2' )
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "teen" );

                edge_.second.insert_stay( numbers[ 10 + edge_.second[ -pos - 1 ] - '0' ] );

            } else {
                if ( edge_.second[ -pos - 1 ] > '0' ) {
                    if ( gazillion ) {
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ gazillion ] );
                        gazillion = 0;
                    // process right-side digit, 1-9
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( numbers[ edge_.second[ -pos - 1 ] - '0' ] );
                // process left-side digit
                if ( edge_.second[ -pos - 2 ] == '2' ) {        // twenty
                    if ( gazillion ) {
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ gazillion ] );
                        gazillion = 0;

                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "twenty" );

                } else if ( edge_.second[ -pos - 2 ] > '0' ) {  // thirty, fourty, ..., ninety
                    if ( gazillion ) {
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                        edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ gazillion ] );
                        gazillion = 0;

                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "ty" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( numbers[ 10 + edge_.second[ -pos - 2 ] - '0' ] );

            if ( ( pos + 3 <= number_length ) && ( edge_.second[ -pos - 3 ] > '0' ) ) {
                if ( gazillion ) {
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                    edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ gazillion ] );
                    gazillion = 0;

                // hundred-digit present
                edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                edge_.second.insert_stay( big_numbers[ 0 ] );   // "hundred"
                edge_.second.insert_stay( "\x20" );
                edge_.second.insert_stay( numbers[ edge_.second[ -pos - 3 ] - '0' ] );

        edge_.text( "" );
        return edge_.first.offset();

    static bool parse( edge<>& universe_ )
        while ( find_number( universe_ ) != std::string::npos )
        return !universe_.length();

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
            << "usage: on the command line,\nenter text to convert numbers to words"
            << std::endl
        return 1;

    input<> inp( argv[ 1 ] );
    edge<> universe( new_edge( inp ) );
    if ( !numeric_parser::parse( universe ) ) {
        std::cout << "*** parser failed ***";
        return 1;

    } else {
            << inp.text()
            << std::endl;

    return 0;

Providing that the user specifies command argument "12345678", the program generates the following output:

twelve million three hundred fourty five thousand six hundred seventy eight 

Copyright © 1997-2006 Igor Kholodov

Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Generated on Thu Nov 2 17:44:55 2006 for Common Text Transformation Library by  doxygen