In addition, doxygen relies on graphviz drawing kit.
Both need to be installed to generate CTTL documentation directly. To generate doxygen documentation for CTTL, run doxygen utility (or doxywizard) for doxyconfig.txt configuration file. The file is set to generate html output.
How CTTL documentation is organized:
1. CTTL documentation header file, cttl/xtl_doxypages.h
, contains assembly line for CTTL documentation pages.
"mainpage" contains a sequence of "section" commands. Each "section" must have unique name, accross all "mainpage" and "page" html pages.
2. Each "section" is constructed as a series of:
<A HREF="myfile.html">myfile</A>
html tag.
3. Additional pages are constructed in similar fashion by "page" commands. For clarity, each page is decorated by its own javadoc-style comment block. An advantage of "page" is that C++ code fragments can be embedded anywhere in the web page by using "include" command.
4. Graphics. A page may also include images, for example,
"image" html myimage.png
Definition in file xtl_doxypages.h.
Go to the source code of this file.