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Rudimentary program that demonstrates concept of offset identity, the CTTL equivalent of a logical offset.
// sample program: input.cpp // demonstrates concept of offset identities //#define NDEBUG // define to stop assertions from being compiled #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include "cttl/cttl.h" int main() { using namespace cttl; // create input object with identity vector size == 6 input<> inp( "one two three", 6 ); // create nodes node<> n0( inp, 0 ); node<> n1( inp, 1 ); node<> n2( inp, 2 ); node<> n3( inp, 3 ); node<> n4( inp, 4 ); node<> n5( inp, 5 ); // create edges edge<> e01( n0, n1 ); const_edge<> e23( n2, n3 ); const_edge<> e45( n4, n5 ); // pretend that we parsed the input: n0.offset( 0 ); n1.offset( 3 ); n2.offset( 4 ); n3.offset( 7 ); n4.offset( 8 ); n5.offset( 13 ); // verify that edges correctly point to the substrings: assert( e01.text() == "one" ); assert( e23.text() == "two" ); assert( e45.text() == "three" ); // delete first substring: e01.text( "" ); // verify new substrings: assert( e01.text() == "" ); assert( e23.text() == "two" ); assert( e45.text() == "three" ); // verify new absolute offsets: assert( n0.offset() == 0 ); assert( n1.offset() == 0 ); assert( n2.offset() == 1 ); assert( n3.offset() == 4 ); assert( n4.offset() == 5 ); assert( n5.offset() == 10 ); // verify modified input text: assert( inp.text() == " two three" ); return 0; }
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