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Demonstrates white space policy based on pre-defined regions of input. The program takes C++ or java program(s) as an input and strips out comments.
File: cpp_comment_strip.cpp
// cpp_comment_strip.cpp //#define NDEBUG // define before assert.h to stop assertions from being compiled //#define CTTL_TRACE_EVERYTHING //define to turn tracing on //#define CTTL_TRACE_RULES //define to turn light tracing on #include <iostream> #include "utils/win32_specific.h" #include "cttl/cttl.h" #include "utils/fileio.h" #include "utils/itos.h" #include "utils/timeutils.h" #include "utils/pipe_input.h" #include "example/cpp_comment.h" using namespace cttl; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::vector< std::string > vect_input_files; if ( argc == 2 ) { // assume one file was specified as input argument vect_input_files.push_back( argv[1] ); } else // assume list of java input files was specified as pipe input pipe_input_2_vector( vect_input_files/*, ".java"*/ ); assert ( vect_input_files.size() ); input<> inp; policy_space< flag_follow_either > void_region; typedef const_edge< policy_space< flag_follow_either > > universe_T; universe_T universe( new_edge( inp ), void_region ); for ( size_t file_cnt = 0; file_cnt < vect_input_files.size(); ++file_cnt ) { void_region.region_clear(); file2string( vect_input_files[ file_cnt ], inp.text() ); assert( inp.length() ); cpp_comment_lexer< cpp_comment_parser< universe_T > > comment_parser; universe.first.go_bof(); universe.second.go_eof(); if ( comment_parser.rule_symbols( universe ) ) { universe.first.go_bof(); std::cout << universe.region_difference(); } } return 0; }
File: cpp_comment.h
#ifndef _CTTL_CPP_COMMENT_H_INCLUDED_ #define _CTTL_CPP_COMMENT_H_INCLUDED_ // cpp_comment.h using namespace cttl; template< typename UniverseT > struct comments_base_parser { // parser defines two kinds of universes: typedef UniverseT universe_T; typedef typename UniverseT::strict_edge_T strict_universe_T; typedef typename UniverseT::policy_T policy_T; policy_T* m_policy_ptr; comments_base_parser() : m_policy_ptr( NULL ) { } void policy( policy_T* policy_ptr_ ) { m_policy_ptr = policy_ptr_; } policy_T* policy() { assert( m_policy_ptr ); return m_policy_ptr; } // default semantic actions: size_t cpp_comment( strict_universe_T& ) { return 0; } size_t c_comment( strict_universe_T& ) { return 0; } size_t single_quote_interior( strict_universe_T& ) { return 0; } size_t double_quote_interior( strict_universe_T& ) { return 0; } }; template< typename UniverseT > struct cpp_comment_parser : public comments_base_parser< UniverseT > { typedef UniverseT universe_T; typedef typename UniverseT::strict_edge_T strict_universe_T; size_t cpp_comment( strict_universe_T& edge_ ) { this->policy()->region_insert( edge_.first.offset(), edge_.second.offset() ); return 0; } size_t c_comment( strict_universe_T& edge_ ) { this->policy()->region_insert( edge_.first.offset(), edge_.second.offset() ); return 0; } }; template< typename UniverseT > struct cpp_comment_and_literal_parser : public cpp_comment_parser< UniverseT > { typedef UniverseT universe_T; typedef typename UniverseT::strict_edge_T strict_universe_T; size_t single_quote_interior( strict_universe_T& edge_ ) { this->policy()->region_insert( edge_.first.offset(), edge_.second.offset() ); return 0; } size_t double_quote_interior( strict_universe_T& edge_ ) { this->policy()->region_insert( edge_.first.offset(), edge_.second.offset() ); return 0; } }; template< typename ParserT > struct cpp_comment_lexer : public ParserT { // lexer defines two kinds of universes: typedef typename ParserT::universe_T universe_T; typedef typename universe_T::strict_edge_T strict_universe_T; typedef typename universe_T::string_T string_T; string_T wack_quote_quote; string_T wack_wack; string_T wack_asterisk; string_T asterisk_wack; cpp_comment_lexer() : wack_quote_quote( "/\"\'" ), wack_wack( "//" ), wack_asterisk( "/*" ), asterisk_wack( "*/" ) { } bool rule_symbols( universe_T& edge_ ) { policy( &edge_.space_policy() ); return ( +!!( // Find closest character that can begin a comment or a literal. // Once found, match the rest of the symbol at the current position begin( &wack_quote_quote ) ^ ( c_single_quote( entity() & rule( *this, &cpp_comment_lexer< ParserT >::single_quote_interior ) ) | c_double_quote( entity() & rule( *this, &cpp_comment_lexer< ParserT >::double_quote_interior ) ) | ( ( &wack_wack + edge_.first( !symbol( '\n' ) | !end() ) ) & rule( *this, &cpp_comment_lexer< ParserT >::cpp_comment ) ) | ( ( &wack_asterisk + !symbol( &asterisk_wack ) ) & rule( *this, &cpp_comment_lexer< ParserT >::c_comment ) ) | // if none of the above matched, this can only be a division operator: '/' ) ) ).match( edge_ ) != std::string::npos; } }; // struct cpp_comment_lexer #endif // _CTTL_CPP_COMMENT_H_INCLUDED_
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