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Modified version of the arithmetic expression parser. Introduces grammar rule tracing facilities of the library. For more information, see grammar debugging and tracing.
// sample code: arithmetics_traced.cpp // demonstrates stateful cttl parser //#define NDEBUG // must appear before assert.h is included to stop assertions from being compiled //#define CTTL_TRACE_EVERYTHING #define CTTL_TRACE_RULES //define to turn light tracing on //#define CTTL_TRACE_TRIVIAL //define for trace messages only mode #include <iostream> #include "cttl/cttl.h" using namespace cttl; struct parser { /* Arithmetic expression grammar production rules in EBNF form: * * <expr> --> <term> ( '+' <term> | '-' <term> )* * <term> --> <factor> ( '*' <factor> | '/' <factor> )* * <factor> --> <prime> | '(' <expr> ')' | '-' <factor> | '+' <factor> * <prime> --> ( '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' )+ * */ int ip_cnt; parser( int ip_cnt_ = 0 ) : ip_cnt( ip_cnt_ ) { } size_t rule_factor( const_edge<>& universe_ ) { return ( ( isdigit & CTTL_RULE( parser::numeric_literal ) ) | ( '(' + CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_expr ) + ')' ) | ( '-' + ( CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_factor ) & CTTL_RULE( parser::unary_minus ) ) ) | ( '+' + CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_factor ) // unary plus is simply ignored ) | CTTL_RULE( parser::parse_error ) ).match( universe_ ) ; } size_t rule_term( const_edge<>& universe_ ) { return ( CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_factor ) + *( ( ( '*' + CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_factor ) ) & CTTL_RULE( parser::multiply ) ) | ( ( '/' + CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_factor ) ) & CTTL_RULE( parser::divide ) ) ) ).match( universe_ ) ; } size_t rule_expr( const_edge<>& universe_ ) { return ( CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_term ) + *( ( ( '+' + CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_term ) ) & CTTL_RULE( parser::add ) ) | ( ( '-' + CTTL_RULE( parser::rule_term ) ) & CTTL_RULE( parser::subtract ) ) ) ).match( universe_ ) ; } size_t numeric_literal( const_edge<>& edge_ ) { std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ;" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t PUSH \t " << edge_.text() << std::endl; return edge_.second.offset(); } size_t divide( const_edge<>& edge_ ) { std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ;" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R1" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R2" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t DIV \t R2, R1 \t; R2 = R2 " << edge_.text() << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t PUSH \t R2" << std::endl; return edge_.second.offset(); } size_t multiply( const_edge<>& edge_ ) { std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ;" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R1" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R2" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t MUL \t R2, R1 \t; R2 = R2 " << edge_.text() << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t PUSH \t R2" << std::endl; return edge_.second.offset(); } size_t add( const_edge<>& edge_ ) { std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ;" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R1" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R2" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ADD \t R2, R1 \t; R2 = R2 " << edge_.text() << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t PUSH \t R2" << std::endl; return edge_.second.offset(); } size_t subtract( const_edge<>& edge_ ) { std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ;" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R1" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R2" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t SUB \t R2, R1 \t; R2 = R2 " << edge_.text() << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t PUSH \t R2" << std::endl; return edge_.second.offset(); } size_t unary_minus( const_edge<>& edge_ ) { std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t ;" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t POP \t R1" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t NEG \t R1 \t\t; R1 = -(" << edge_.text() << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << ++ip_cnt << "\t PUSH \t R1" << std::endl; return edge_.second.offset(); } size_t parse_error( const_edge<>& edge_ ) const { std::cout << "*** syntax error ***" << std::endl << edge_.parent().text() << std::endl ; for ( size_t pos = 0; pos < edge_.first.offset(); ++pos ) std::cout << '\x20'; std::cout << "^-- at position " << edge_.first.offset() << std::endl; return std::string::npos; } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( argc == 1 ) { std::cout << "\t usage: enter arithmetic expression to parse" << std::endl; return 1; } // construct input string from arguments on the command line: input<> inp( &argv[ 1 ], ' ' ); // construct universe to be parsed const_edge<> universe( new_edge( inp ) ); // construct the parser: parser arithmetic_parser; // evaluate arithmetic expression: if ( CTTL_MEMBER_RULE( arithmetic_parser, &parser::rule_expr ).match( universe ) != std::string::npos ) { if( universe.length() ) { std::cout << std::endl << "*** error: parser terminated: ***" << std::endl << inp.text() << std::endl ; for ( size_t pos = 0; pos < universe.first.offset(); ++pos ) std::cout << '\x20'; std::cout << "^-- at position " << universe.first.offset() << std::endl; } } else std::cout << "*** parser terminated" << std::endl; return 0; }
Providing that the user specifies command argument "2*-3", the program generates the following output:
Input: 2*-3 Output: --------------------@2*-3-198->parser::rule_expr@0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {; 0-4 --------------------@2*-3---85->parser::rule_term@0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {; 0-4 --------------------@2*-3-----60->parser::rule_factor@0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {| 0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {| 0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {| 0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {| 0-4 --------------------@2*-3? {& 0-4 -----------------------2@| $ 1-4 -----------------------@2-----------36->parser::numeric_literal@0-1 1 ; 2 PUSH 2 -----------------------@2+++++++++++36<-parser::numeric_literal@0-0 '' } } } } } ---------------------@*-3+++++60<-parser::rule_factor@0-1 '2' ---------------------@*-3? {* 1-4 ---------------------@*-3? {| 1-4 ---------------------@*-3? {& 1-4 ---------------------@*-3? {; 1-4 ----------------------2*@| * 2-4 char ----------------------@-3---------64->parser::rule_factor@2-4 ----------------------@-3? {| 2-4 ----------------------@-3? {| 2-4 ----------------------@-3? {| 2-4 ----------------------@-3? {| 2-4 ----------------------@-3? {& 2-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*@~ $ 2-4 FAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*@~ & 2-4 FAIL } ----------------------@-3? {; 2-4 ----------------------@-3? {; 2-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*@~ ( 2-4 FAIL char } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*@~ | 2-4 FAIL } ----------------------@-3? {; 2-4 ---------------------2*-@| - 3-4 char -----------------------@3? {& 3-4 -----------------------@3---------------43->parser::rule_factor@3-4 -----------------------@3? {| 3-4 -----------------------@3? {| 3-4 -----------------------@3? {| 3-4 -----------------------@3? {| 3-4 -----------------------@3? {& 3-4 --------------------2*-3@| $ 4-4 -----------------------@3---------------------36->parser::numeric_literal@3-4 3 ; 4 PUSH 3 -----------------------@3+++++++++++++++++++++36<-parser::numeric_literal@3-3 '' } } } } } ------------------------@+++++++++++++++43<-parser::rule_factor@3-4 '3' -----------------------@3---------------43->parser::unary_minus@3-4 5 ; 6 POP R1 7 NEG R1 ; R1 = -(3) 8 PUSH R1 -----------------------@3+++++++++++++++43<-parser::unary_minus@3-3 '' } } } } } ------------------------@+++++++++64<-parser::rule_factor@2-4 '-3' } ---------------------@*-3--------66->parser::multiply@1-4 9 ; 10 POP R1 11 POP R2 12 MUL R2, R1 ; R2 = R2 *-3 13 PUSH R2 ---------------------@*-3++++++++66<-parser::multiply@1-1 '' } } ------------------------@? {| 4-4 ------------------------@? {& 4-4 ------------------------@? {; 4-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ L 4-4 FAIL empty universe } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ & 4-4 FAIL } ------------------------@? {& 4-4 ------------------------@? {; 4-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ L 4-4 FAIL empty universe } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ & 4-4 FAIL } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ | 4-4 FAIL } } } ------------------------@+++85<-parser::rule_term@0-4 '2*-3' ------------------------@? {* 4-4 ------------------------@? {| 4-4 ------------------------@? {& 4-4 ------------------------@? {; 4-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ L 4-4 FAIL empty universe } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ & 4-4 FAIL } ------------------------@? {& 4-4 ------------------------@? {; 4-4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ L 4-4 FAIL empty universe } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ & 4-4 FAIL } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2*-3@~ | 4-4 FAIL } } } ------------------------@+198<-parser::rule_expr@0-4 '2*-3'
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